立刻報名- 花式調酒培訓
- 英式調酒培訓
- 咖啡拉花培訓
- 西點師培訓
- 手機:
- 15875537554
- 電話:
- 0757-83205361
- Q Q:
- 2315340140
- 郵箱:
- 作者: dfmzhu
- 來源: 佛山展翅調酒咖啡西點培訓學校
- 日期: 2016-07-24
- 瀏覽次數: 2002 次
印尼酒店管理集團PTT Family旗下Potato Head品牌最近入駐香港西營盤。由日本建筑師藤本壯介設計,這個新開張的商業(yè)綜合體涵蓋五個生活方式概念,其中包括咖啡館I Love You So Coffee,一間巴厘島風格的酒吧,以及充滿亞洲部落美食風情的Kaum餐廳。香港店里所有的雞尾酒單設計由Dre Masso和PTT的集團拓展與酒吧經理Kamil Foltan負責。Kaum餐廳的雞尾酒單上除了Potato Head沙灘俱樂部最受歡迎的酒品以外,還有一系列部落風格雞尾酒。酒吧里還推出了“陳年雞尾酒” 系列:將高酒精度的經典雞尾酒維斯帕和花花公子放在火山巖制成的器皿里進行陳年,酒液充分吸收礦物質和其他地質元素。“很多人都說他們曾經去過Potato Head沙灘俱樂部,所以我們想引入一些那里的風情、風尚和風味到香港。” Foltan說。
Indonesian hospitality group PTT Family opens the doors to its newest Potato Head in Hong Kong’s Sai Ying Pun. Designed by Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto, the ambitious complex is home to five lifestyle concepts including I Love You So Coffee, a Bali-inspired bar, and Kaum, a restaurant inspired by the tribal cuisine of Asia. Dre Masso and PTT’s group development bar manager Kamil Foltan are in charge of the drinks program here, and besides Beach Club favourites transported to the menu here, a list of tribal-inspired cocktails make up the new Kaum Collection of cocktails. The bar also introduces a Rested Cocktail selection here, ageing spirit-forward Vespers and Boulevardier in volcanic rock vessels to impart mineral and earthy qualities to the classics. “A lot of people have said that they’ve been to Potato Head Beach Club, so we wanted to bring a bit of the Indo Eksotika style, feel and flavours here,” says Foltan.