- 花式調(diào)酒培訓
- 英式調(diào)酒培訓
- 咖啡拉花培訓
- 西點師培訓

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- 作者: dfmzhu
- 來源: 佛山展翅調(diào)酒師學
- 日期: 2015-03-03
- 瀏覽次數(shù): 2361 次
1. 雞尾酒是需要解答的問題。
1. Cocktails are problems in need of solutions.
Think, How can I achieve a particular taste, texture, or look? How can I make the drink in front of me better? Taking cocktails seriously, as with all worthy inquiries, puts you on a lifelong journey. The more you know, the more questions you raise. The better a practitioner you become, the more you see the faults in your technique. Perfection is the goal, but perfection is, mercifully, unattainable. I have spent seven years and thousands of dollars on the problem of the perfect gin and tonic; I still have work to do. How boring if I were finished – if I were satisfied.
2. 像科學家一樣思考。
2. Think like a scientist.
A little dose of science will do you good. Think like a scientist, and you will make better drinks. You don’t need to be a scientist, or even understand much science, to use the scientific method to your advantage. Control variables, observe, and test your results; that’s pretty much it.
3. 遠離“分子調(diào)酒術(shù)”。
3. Resist the term “molecular mixology”.
The connotations of molecular are all bad: gimmicks for gimmicks’ sake, drinks that don’t taste very good, science gone wrong. My guidelines are simple: use new techniques and technologies only when they make the drink taste better; strive to make an amazing drink with fewer rather than more ingredients; don’t expect a guest to know how you made a drink in order to enjoy it; gauge success by whether your guest orders another, not by whether he or she thinks the drink is “interesting”; build and follow your palate.
4. 我不是不開心,但我從不滿足。
4. I am not unhappy, but I am never satisfied.
There’s always a better way. Constantly questioning yourself – especially your basic tenets and practices – makes you a better person behind the bar, in front of the stove, or in whatever field you choose. I love it when my dearly held beliefs are proved wrong. It means I’m alive and still learning.
5. 學會如何妥協(xié)。
5. Learn how to compromise.
I hate compromising. And I hate cutting corners, but sometimes I have to. You need to keep hating compromise at every turn while knowing how to compromise with minimum impact when necessary. Always be focused on the critical path to quality, from raw ingredients to the cup. I am often surprised by how much work someone will put into making ingredients for a drink, only to destroy all that work at the last moment. Remember, a drink can be ruined at any stage of its creation. Your responsibility for vigilance as a drink maker doesn’t end until the drink is finished – and your responsibility as an alcoholic-drink maker doesn’t end until the imbiber is safe and sound at home.
6. 使用高量杯。
6. Use tall jiggers.
Given a choice between tall, skinny jiggers and short, squat jiggers, I always choose the tall. They are far more accurate. A pour that’s a millimeter higher or lower in a wide jigger constitutes a much larger error than it does in a skinny jigger.
7. 酒飲應該按體積計算。
7. Drinks should be measured by volume.
I am a big believer in cooking by weight, but I mix drinks by volume, and so should you. For the bartender, the weight of the finished beverage isn’t important, but the volume is. The volume determines how close the top of the finished drink will be to the rim of the glass. This liquid line is called the wash line, and maintaining a proper wash line is essential to good bartending. In a professional setting, it is essential that your drinks be consistent. Having standard wash lines for each drink you prepare gives you an instant visual check that everything is okay. If your wash line is wrong, something is wrong with the drink. Consistent wash lines are also important to your guests’ well-being. Two people get the same drink, but one drink sits higher in the glass: do you like the person with the taller pour more, or are your techniques just a bit shaky?
8. 鹽是個秘密武器。
8. Salt is your secret weapon.
Salt is the secret ingredient in almost all my cocktails. Any cocktail that includes fruit, chocolate, or coffee benefits from a pinch of salt. I rarely want a drink to taste salty; the salt should be subthreshold. The next time you make a cocktail, divide it into two glasses and add a pinch of salt to one glass but not the other. Taste the difference – you will never forget the salt again. At home you can get away with adding a pinch. At the bar we have to be more precise, so we use a saline solution: 20 grams of salt in 80 milliliters of water (20 per cent solution). A drop or two of this is all it takes to make a cocktail pop.
9. 別過于看重搖酒技巧……
9. Don’t hyperfocus on your shaking technique…
Some cocktail neophytes have been led to believe that shaking is a kung fu–style art whose heights can be scaled only after years of training. Not true. They might also believe, watching some bartenders shake their tins, that proper technique involves an aerobic workout. Also not true. And they may be under the impression that the best cocktails can?be achieved only with the very best ice. (Mostly) not true. Good news! Any reasonable shaking technique that lasts at least ten seconds, using almost any kind of ice, can make a delicious and consistent shaken cocktail. From a technical standpoint, your shaking technique doesn’t matter at all. It’s possible to shake so languidly?that you underdilute, but I’ve almost never seen this happen. On the flip side, my tests of a maniacal shake that I dubbed the “crazy monkey” reveal that going bonkers doesn’t decrease final temperature or increase dilution. As long as you shake for between 8 and 12 seconds, your cocktails will be about the same, no matter what you do. If you shake for less than 8, you might be underdiluted. If you shake more than 12, almost nothing additional happens – you are just wasting time and energy. Shaking technique does matter quite considerably, however, in style points – and style is not to be ignored in the cocktail world.
10. ……也別太在乎你用的冰塊了。
10. …or the ice you use.
Over the years I have run many tests shaking different cocktails with different kinds of ice. I’ve measured the dilution analytically and I’ve done side-by-side taste tests. The results are almost always the same: provided you follow a few simple rules, the kind of ice you use almost never affects dilution. Any ice, from the 3⁄4-inch (20 mm) hollow cubes of hotel dispensers up to the 11⁄4-inch (30 mm) solid cubes from a Kold-Draft machine (this range includes almost all the ice you will come across), will dilute your drink the same amount, even though these cubes have radically different surface areas. The trick is to make sure you throw the surface water off the cubes before you shake: mix your cocktail in a small mixing tin, then put your ice into the larger tin, cap that tin with a strainer, and violently flick the tin downward to get rid of excess water. Put the ice into the smaller tin and shake.