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- 來源: 展翅調酒學校
- 日期: 2014-11-08
- 瀏覽次數(shù): 3554 次
丹麥吉普賽啤酒廠美奇樂新品驚艷亮相,離經叛道的倫敦啤酒廠福勒推出了一款新世濤黑啤。Danish gypsy brewer Mikkeller’s new offering and trend-defying London brewery Fuller’s launches a new stout.
Fuller’s London Black Cab Stout
Beloved west London brewer Fuller’s has released a new stout in tribute to London’s portly, odd-looking black taxis – known as “black cabs” in England. A stout is a dark, usually ink-black beer made from roasted barley, hops, water and yeast. The style is actually a higher strength derivative of the porter – a strong, brown beer popular in 1700s England. So popular, in fact, brewers made various different strengths of porter – the strongest being the “stout porters”. In the 1900s, stout assumed its black colour as brewers began to use patent black malt. Today the term “stout” is generally used to refer to a dark beer not necessarily high in alcohol (as with this bottle, only a relatively mild 4.5 per cent abv; Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout, from North Coast Brewing in the US, also available in China via Dxcel, is at the opposite extreme of the style spectrum at a giddy 9 per cent abv). Made with Fuggles and Golding hops – a classic English ale blend – in the glass, a slight streak of black cherry finds space among notes of milk chocolate, coffee, biscuit and moist bran. The body is light, but not too fluffy, with a soft, round, slightly dry-bitter finish. Elegant, nothing too extreme. Fuller’s, it seems, is a brewery that, much to its credit, is stolidly unmoved by the very on-trend, high-hopped hubris of craft brewers, and continues to favour balance over brashness. Cheers to that.
Available from: Bright View
Price: 3
美奇樂啤酒廠于2006年在丹麥哥本哈根建立,釀酒師Mikkel Borg Bjergsø曾是位數(shù)學教師,他和他的記者朋友Kristian Klarup Keller一同創(chuàng)建了酒廠。美奇樂屬于所謂的“契約”酒廠,亦稱“吉普賽”酒廠和“幻影”酒廠——它沒有固定的廠址,靠租賃其他酒廠的設施來釀造自己的啤酒。它一開始租用的是丹麥小型酒廠Ørbæk,現(xiàn)階段又駐扎在比利時Proef Brouwerij。和歐洲許多手工精釀酒廠一樣,他們自詡為怪咖,打破常規(guī),不按理出牌,并從美式精釀那里獲取靈感:換言之,就是顛覆歐洲啤酒原有的傳統(tǒng)風格,釀造出風味更為不羈、奔放和口感更為強勁的啤酒,而名字也起的很隨性有趣。皮特、佩爾和瑪麗是一款清淡、適合聚會飲用的經典美式淡色艾爾:倒入杯中的剎那,香氣便已經撲鼻而來:新鮮的葡萄柚、檸檬、柑橘、各種核果、熟透的杏子、芒果、木瓜,之后則是細微的香蕉和一絲青草味。中等酒體,半甜,微苦,回味是水果塔里的柑橘碎,決明子和些許青澀,但并不那么生硬。一款非常濃郁特殊的啤酒,也很易飲。
Mikkeller Peter, Pale and Mary
Founded in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 2006, by maths teacher-turned-brewer Mikkel Borg Bjergsø and journalist friend Kristian Klarup Keller, Mikkeller is another so-called “contract” brewer – also known as “gypsy” or “phantom” brewers – that rent space in established breweries to make their own beers. At first, at Danish microbrewery Ørbæk, these days, at Proef Brouwerij in Belgium. Like many craft brewers in Europe, they claim to be oddball, experimental rule-breakers that take inspiration from the US craft scene: in other words, off-kilter reworks of old European beer styles with witty, folksy names and big, brash, brawny flavour profiles. The Peter, Pale and Mary is a light, session-able take on the classic American pale ale style: lots of life in the pour, great retention with a very animated bouquet of pink grapefruit, lemon, mandarin, stone fruits, over-ripe apricot, mango, papaya and peach on top of light banana esters and a thin note of grass. Medium body, with an off-dry, light-bitter pay-off that brings back notes of tart citrus pith, caramel malts and a light greenness – but not too sappy or metallic. Assertive, but not aggressive.
Available from: Dxcel
Price: 5
Widmer Brothers Alchemy Ale
Top Win, this beer’s Chinese importer, tell us they’ve shifted their focus from European to American beers as per the zeitgeist and this brew adds to their growing roster: from Widmer Brothers Brewing in Portland, Oregon, Alchemy Ale takes its name from the beer’s “secret blend” of hops, thought to include Warrior, Millennium and Horizon, all high-alpha-acid, bittering cultivars, which the brewery has custom made for all its beers and, in the great craft tradition, gives the conceit a folky, un-corporate spin. On the nose, sweetness first, notes of honey, caramel, behind which is grapefruit and a tinge of pine. The palate is fairly ordinary, hops, but nothing too attacking, brown sugar, bread, sweet malts, with a mild-sour, drying finish that leaves a soft, green tang on the palate. Serviceable.
Available from: Top Win
Price: 3
易覺商貿 021 6271 7215
長懋 021 5240 0937
鼎勝 021 3125 8964
Bright View 021 6271 7215
Dxcel 021 5240 0937
Top Win 021 3125 8964
低于10元 1
10-14元 2
15-19元 3
20-24元 4
25元或以上 5
¥10 1
¥10-14 2
¥15-19 3
¥20-24 4
¥25 and over 5